[olympiaworkers] Port of Tacoma actions
What's been going on at the Port of Tacoma this past week?
I've been in Tacoma and at the port here the past several days. Stryker
military vehicle convoys have been arriving in the Port of Tacoma from
Fort Lewis every night this past week en route to Iraq. So far there have
been 5 arrests. A few nights ago, three of my friends were arrested and
all of them were hurt pretty bad by the cops. My friend Wally, a navy vet,
was tazed 3 times while he was on the ground and my roommate Jeff was shot
at close range by a rubber bullet. Everyone arrested so far was released
from jail on bail.
People have been meeting at the Port every night at 9 to hold rallys.
Directions and carpool times are listed below.
We also have some contacts within the ILWU in Tacoma and are attempting to
set up a labor picket at the Port. I'm waiting to hear back from some of
the contacts to come up with a plan. Any help is desperately needed.
Pickets have worked at other ports on the West Coast and it can possibly
work here as well.
8pm carpool from Harrison and Divison. Be at Port of Tacoma at 9pm.
People should still meet at the corner of Lincoln and Milwaukee. Take the
Port of Tacoma exit on I-5, take the Port of Tacoma Road, Left on Lincoln
and Left on Milwaukee.
8pm carpool from Harrison and Division. Port at 9pm.
two carpools: one at 3pm at Harrison and Division and one again at 8pm
from the same location. People with cars, please come so we have enough
room to bring people up.
4-6 PM Rally and March Against The Militarization of the Port of Tacoma
Federal Courthouse at 1717 Pacific Avenue in downtown Tacoma.
Large Banners visible from nearby freeway welcome.
6-7 PM Strategy and Affinity Group Discussion at or near Federal Courthouse
9 PM Meeting at the Port of Tacoma again for actions. The ship might be in
friday night but we're not sure. A lot of poeple are coming in from
Portland and Bellingham for actions.
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