Friday, May 13, 2011

[olympiaworkers] ARISE! Zombie march on the capital! Friday the 13th, Sylvester Park 1:30!

Day of the living night: Zombie hordes to descend on State Capitol this Friday the 13th

What: Zombie Slow March on the State Capitol
When: Friday the 13th at 1:30
Where: Event begins at Sylvester Park in Olympia at 1:30, with march to Capitol. March ends at Zombie headquarters — the State Capitol
Why: The only reason that motivates Zombie behavior: Brain-sucking action!

Tim Eyman and State Senator Don Benton have been invited but not yet confirmed whether they will attend.

On this Friday, May 13th, zombies will rise from graves, mausoleums, and PAC contribution lists across the state for a Monster Mash Budget Slash slow zombie march on their headquarters — the State Capitol. Together, Washington State Zombies will raise their grunting voices and rotting fists to ensure that the darkness of the brutal state budget continues to descend without mercy on the people of the state. Their single demand: that ideas with brains, hearts, and spines never see the light of day.

This zombie rising is timed at a moment when the state's political process is not-moving at pace suggesting the Legislature itself is in a classic zombie stupor. After two months when the House and Senate engaged in a slashing competition to see who could bury poor people, immigrants, and the elderly deeper underground and close their ears more firmly to the cries, there have been no real signs of life for weeks now.

A perfect day for a zombie march

Despite a state budget debate that reflects the key zombie priorities of government — bleed support for the poor, cut gaping holes in services for working families, and protect the flow of money into bank vaults — zombies are marching out of concern that the complete evisceration of the hearts, brains, and spines of the state's elected leaders could endanger key parts of the zombie food chain.

Zombie concerns were raised further with the recent release of a statewide poll commissioned by KING-5 which suggests more than half of humans in the state may be interested in making it easier to close tax loopholes for critical economic activities like big bank profiteering and elective cosmetic surgery. Some doubt whether their usual communications effort – "uhhhhhh, tax bad, uhhhhhhhh, waste fraud tax" — will win the day in yet another debate. (BP, Tesoro, and JP Morgan Chase will surely contribute to the cause once more.)

Long-time zombie leader Tim Eyman and Zombie overlord candidate Don Benton have both been invited to join the march. Even if they cannot make it there in the material plane, we know they are with us in spirit.

In fact they are our inspiration.

It is from these and other zombie leaders in state government that we got the idea to showboat before the public in order to take attention away from brutal state budget cuts. The state budget is simply a distraction from where attentions belong: empty-skulled issues like the issuing of drivers licenses, tolls on bridges which are not built, and red-light cameras on main zombie thoroughfares.

Let us not be distracted by brains. Let us consume them!

More information:

ZOMBIE WALK! Thinking minds will soon be turned to mash thanks to the privatization of higher education in Washington! The government is leaving the youth little hope or opportunities as the Vampire Gregoire and her corporate monsters drain every drop of money from services and higher education.

Sylvester Park @ 1:30 for a slow ZOMBIE MARCH on the Capital! Food served at the park and celebration afterwards. Get all painted up at Zombie stations in Sylvester Park.
Not a student? FEWER WILL BE AFTER THESE CUTS! But this Zombie march is for everyone! March if you to believe an all cuts budget is UNACCEPTABLE & INEXCUSABLE! The banks, corporations and filthy rich aren't hurting, only the good working people are made to suffer! We all have family and friends, if not ourselves, who will be affected by this bad budget! Come sing and dance to the Monster Mash Budget Slash!

Wear your best Zombie attire! Our zombie demands? What else?

For more info call 360-545-3267 


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