Monday, June 07, 2010

[olympiaworkers] Red Cross Workers Strike In Six States Over Alleged Mismanagement Of Blood Supply

by Doug Cunningham on June 2, 2010

Union workers have had it with what they say is mismanagement at the Red
Cross. Jesse Russell has the story.

The American Red Cross is in the midst of a three-day strike at locations
in six states. The action comes as workers attempt to bring attention to
unfair labor practices. Joe Marutiak is with OPEIU Local 459 in Flint,
Michigan. He said the main issue is mismanagement.

[Marutiak1]: They've mismanaged the blood supply. They've been under a
consent decree for 17 years. They've been fined $21 million dollars.
They've mismanaged labor relations. They're being prosecuted by the labor
relations board.

The NLRB trial is on June 21 and it is alleged that Red Cross has been
bargaining in bad faith. Marutiak said one of the plans being implemented
by Red Cross is to move jobs in Michigan to other states.

A number of other unions will be joining the Red Cross strike action in
coming days and weeks in an attempt to put even more pressure on the

[Marutiak3]: We hope this with the prosecution by the NLRB and the fact
that other unions will soon be joining us will force them to change their
management style.

The OPEIU represents the workers that collect blood and distribute it to

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