[olympiaworkers] OFS - special membership meeting tomorrow
Olympia Film Society – Special Membership Meeting
Saturday, October 13th 12:00 – 4:00
This meeting has been called as a result of the dispute between the OFS
Board of Directors and members who are concerned about the Board's recent
actions. A growing number of members feel that the Board acted extremely
unethically in their decision to fire a long-standing staff member. The
process used to vote on the action was heavily flawed and cause for great
unease about the Board's intentions. This action has left OFS with no
Operations Manager, no plan for his replacement, and with a large group of
volunteers alienated and questioning their own commitments to the
Attempts have been made in recent weeks to hold the Board accountable for
their actions, including a weeklong volunteer walkout and several open
meetings in which concerns were voiced. In all cases, the Board has
rejected the outcry of its members and volunteers. They have consistently
tried to play down the problem and have defended their decision as
necessary without addressing the core issue: the corrupt misuse of OFS
bylaws and consensus process.
At the upcoming meeting, members will be asked for their vote on whether
to make the position of Board member an elected one and whether to hold
elections immediately in the hope of resolving this issue. Having an open
election process would allow the membership to ask questions of anyone
wanting continue on the Board and approve or deny their candidacy based on
the answers. It will give those with differing viewpoints a chance to
join the Board. It will ensure that the diverse OFS membership is
adequately represented in future decisions and that the Board has
accountability for their official actions. This will be a strong move
toward restoring confidence in the organization and healing the rift that
has torn through it.
Please make time to attend this very important meeting. Make your voice
heard and help us to secure OFS's continued presence within the Olympia
For information on recent events, including full copies of correspondence
with the Board,
Details on how the termination vote was flawed, and how the upcoming
meeting will affect OFS, go to: